The 100 Push Up Challenge – Week 2

The 100 Push Up Challenge is running throughout 2021, each week I will release a new challenge, the next level in the progression to bodyweight mastery. Sign up to the challenge to get the workouts sent to you every week!

Week 2 – Low Level Variations

In this week’s challenge we are going to start including different variations of push ups.

Obviously we are going to start nice and simple so don’t worry about your level of skill. Check the 100 Push Up Challenge Page for details and all of the challenges so far!

Week 1 Recap – Last week we just started at the most basic level – 5 x 20 Regular Push Ups

But this week we aren’t doing the same thing every set because that is pretty boring to be honest. Instead we are going to bring in two very common variations of the push up to help mix it up and make it a little more challenging.

The 100 Push Up Challenge Week 2

The Workout

Set 1 – 20 Diamond Push Ups

Set 2 – 20 Wide Push Ups

Set 3 – 20 Regular Push Ups

Set 4 – 20 Diamond Push Ups

Set 5 – 20 Wide Push Ups

This is going to be harder than last week, but it shouldn’t really be too much of a challenge for you guys – I know you are all awesome!

Next week we are going to step it up again to the Next next level, and we are going to bring even more push ups into the mix!

But for now let’s take a closer look at these push up variations

Diamond Push Ups

Diamond Push ups sound a little more technical than they are. The only real difference between them and normal push ups is the hand positioning.

With Regular Push Ups you will have your hands underneath your shoulders, whereas with Diamond Push Ups you have your hands centred under your body.

Diamond push ups are also called Close Grip Push Ups. On the floor your thumbs and fingers will join to take a kind of diamond shape (but this isn’t necessary) so you could argue that is the difference between ‘Diamond’ and ‘Close Grip’.

Wide Push Ups

Wide grip push ups are the opposite of diamond push ups. Instead of having your hands close together under your chest, your hands are going to be spread out wider than your body.

People ask how wide? The answer is, its up to you and how wide you can handle them.

If you can take them super wide, awesome, but don’t exchange width for quality of movement.

Really I would only recommend going wide enough so your elbows make a 90 when you are on the floor.

 There is plenty of time to build out if youre desperate to, but you dont need it and you could arguably do something else that would be more effective.

Remember Your Posture Matters!

Quality of movement matters, posture is super important for push ups because it can make or break the effectiveness of your work.

Keep your core tight head up and body in a nice straight line the whole workout. Try not to dip or sag at the hips, or the opposite, and have your bum sticking up in the air!

Get Stuck In

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Plus get your FREE Total Body Workout to kickstart your calisthenics journey Today!

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Every Week I will send you the latest challenge so you can keep up with us all Year!


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